Suwarsih Madya has been an English language teacher educator since 1977. With a range of experiences in international cooperation and language teacher education, she now views language teaching from multi-perspectives by relating it to other important matters such as character education,  identity formation,  and world peace establishment. Her research interest is around teacher and instructional developments  with emphasis on autonomous learning. She  has writtten a number articles among others on self assessment, teacher standards, curriculum development, instructional model development in the TEFLIN Journal. Her recent publications are:  Language Teaching Methodology: From the Pre-method to Post-mewthod era (in the Indonesian language),  Learning English Pronunciation Systematically: A Resource Book for Student Teachers and Teachers of English., and Penelitian Tindakan: Dari Teori ke Praktik (Action Research: Theory and Practice) She is currently  involved in the production of an online standardized test of English proficiency (TOEP) for national use and has the position of being the Chief Commissioner for the Pusat Layanan Tes Indonesia (The Indonesian Testing Service).