IELTS Simulation Tour
Saturday 12 March 2016 to Sunday 27 March 2016

What is IELTS Simulation Tour?

IELTS Simulation Tour is a simulation test presented by Yayasan Dewan Inggris Indonesia. The aim of this Simulation Tour is to give you a clearer picture about IELTS. This simulation test includes 3 components: Listening, Reading, and Writing, and it is delivered in a similar format as IELTS. Yayasan Dewan Inggris Indonesia will be visiting 5 major cities in Indonesia and delivering IELTS simulation test for free in a set period of time. This round, IELTS Simulation Tour will visit Surabaya, Makassar, Medan, Bandung, and Jakarta.

Test schedule and locations:

City Date Location Time
Surabaya 12 March 2016

Teaching Centre Yayasan Dewan Inggris Indonesia,
Grand City Surabaya, Lt. 3, Unit 32-33 Jl. Kusuma Bangsa, Surabaya 60251

Makassar 19 March 2016

ELC Education Office,
Jl. Lamadukelleng No.60, Makassar 90112

Medan 20 March 2016 Teaching Centre Yayasan Dewan Inggris Indonesia,
Lippo Plaza Medan, 3rd Floor L03-06, Jl. Imam Bonjol No.6, Medan 20112
Bandung 26 March 2016 Grand Serela Hotel Setiabudhi Bandung,
Jl. Hegarmanah No. 9-15, Jawa Barat 40141
Jakarta 27 March 2016 Millennium Hotel Sirih Jakarta,
Jl. Fachrudin 3, 10250, Jakarta Indonesia

Why is it important?

By taking IELTS, you can live, study and work around the world. In order to do so, you need to be ready. IELTS Simulation Tour will prepare you for the real IELTS test, to get a real sense of what will happen during the test, to get used to the format of the test, and to set a benchmark of your English proficiency so that you will know what needs to be improved.

What benefits will I get by participating in this simulation test?

This simulation test can provide you with:

1. Valuable examination practice

2. An insight about what IELTS test is like

3. A solid idea on what types of questions will be asked

4. Practice in working under examination conditions

How do I join the simulation test?

IELTS Simulation Tour is free and easy to join. You just need to register online. Once you have filled in the registration form, We will process your application thoroughly and we will send you notification email 5 days prior to your selected test date to see if you are successfully enrolled to the IELTS Simulation Tour or not. Kindly note the closing dates for the registration as showed in table below:

Location Closing Registration Date Remarks
Surabaya 6 March 2016  
Makassar 13 March 2016 Closing date applies for both session (morning session and afternoon session)
Medan 13 March 2016  
Bandung 20 March 2016 Closing date applies for both session (morning session and afternoon session)
Jakarta 20 March 2016  


When will I get the result?

The successfully enrolled candidates of the IELTS Simulation Tour on particular dates and locations will get the test result by email (kindly check your emails on the Test Result Announcement) as you will only receive your Test Result by email once. Please see the Test Result Announcement date below:

City Test Date Test Result Announcement
Surabaya 12 March 2016 8 April 2016
Makassar 19 March 2016 11 April 2016
Medan 20 March 2016 12 April 2016
Bandung 26 March 2016 18 April 2016
Jakarta 27 March 2016 19 April 2016

More Information

Contact us to find out more information.